Saturday 7 December 2019

One Year No Beer Pirates are sailing high!

To go to 'One Year No Beer Pirates' Facebook Group click on this link:
It's a closed group so you'll have to ask to join but it's FREE and it's a very safe group. We have a great Captain and a strong crew to protect you so you'll never feel alone, wherever you are in the World, we'll be right there with you.

To visit the 'One Year No Beer Pirates' website, click this link: 
This is where we keep a treasure of information, such as:

  • Who be we?
  • Recommended books and workshops by Annie Grace.
  • Links to our other ships of specific interests, bikers, runners, gardeners and 22 others!
  • The Jamaica Inn, our land-based A/F pub!
  • Tons of other useful info., including how you can help us to grow!
NOTE: We are not 'OYNB One Year No Beer'

Sunday 10 November 2019

Live Alcohol Experiment

Annie Grace, fellow Pirate and author of This Naked Mind, is hosting a 30 day LIVE Alcohol Experiment this January.
Taking breaks from alcohol is becoming ever popular, but so many of us have had a hard time trying to take that break. 
This "Experiment" is different! 
Here’s why: The Alcohol Experiment is the only program on the high-seas that rewires your subconscious conditioning around alcohol during the 30-day break! What does that mean? Well, everything we do in life, we do for one reason only... because we feel like it! Sure, you can do things you don’t feel like doing over the short term - but not long term. We always go back to what we feel like doing (especially in times of stress). Through the daily reading, videos and expert interviews in The Alcohol Experiment you don’t just change your drinking, you change your feelings about drinking. If you’ve ever tried to cut back, or even quit, and found it hard, there’s one very simple reason. While consciously you want to make a different choice, your subconscious (because of a lifetime of conditioning) hasn’t yet gotten the message! It’s like me deciding the crew are going to catch fish every day and then not showing them how to fish! Annie can show you the way, I’ll show you how to fish later! This Experiment is truly life-changing! 
If you’re on our ‘365 Day Challenge’ or on the One Year No Beer (OYNB) challenge, this might give you a much-needed boost. It sure beats the hell out of Dry January!
To join the 'Live Alcohol Experiment' for January, starting January 1st., please leave a message for me below or at

Tuesday 29 October 2019

One Year No Beer Pirates

Who are we? A ship full of Pirates on an epic mission!  

A FREE group for people of all ages who want to take back control of their lives from alcohol. The group offers, not only huge support but a very different approach to simply 'will power,' changing the way you view your relationship with alcohol. The ship was founded in 2017 by the Captain, Daniel Sencier, along with 59 original members of One Year No Beer who broke away nearly 3 years ago to form their own Pirate Ship. Unlike One Year No Beer (OYNB) this ship remains FREE to all onboard. That said, it does take time to run this great vessel, so, if you feel you have benefitted on your journey and would like to DONATE, the Captain would be eternally grateful.

We now number nearly 3,000 Pirates and you can join us right here... TAKE ME TO THE SHIP ... and start meeting the crew!